"Astronaut Aldrin on the Moon" marked one of the world's most sought for photograph as it meant the US reached the moon first than the rest of the world .An event of such degree and uproar has lasted an impression and to be able to witness the Corona Virus Pandemic seemingly appears to be of a similar magnitude. Thus this game draws upon the idea of competition that existed amongst countries in the mission to reach the moon comparing it to the current time and the complexities of the global pandemic.

This game is an appropriation  of "Save Mars" by Fulvio Scichilone. This game uses the falling feature for the Coronavirus modules that limitlessly fall on Earth so that the player consciously chooses to destroy the viruses before they reach Earth. This game has been made as a continuous tap game for relief , reflection and addiction for satisfaction and pleasure.

This game draws upon news channel videos downloaded from YouTube platform.

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